Corporate Governance

Internal Control

We make accountability a priority to ensure long-term trust with our stakeholders and global partners.

Gaman has established its Internal Control Policy in order to perform its business operations appropriately and efficiently. We strive to make ongoing efforts to strengthen and improve our internal controls to establish long-term trust with our stakeholders and global relationships.


Our Internal control policy allows us to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:

  • Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
  • Reliability of financial reporting
  • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations

By establishing these internal controls, we make an active contribution to the fulfillment of our social responsibilities as a technology company that envisions the world’s future.

Basic Internal Control Policy

In order to achieve sustainable growth and development for Gaman, as well as to enhance the operational quality of the company, we comply with the following basic internal control policy.

We also practice the construction, management, evaluation, and revision of appropriate internal control systems to continually improve Gaman’s governance.

1. Total Compliance

Conduct business activities in compliance with local and international laws, and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, social standards, and rules in the market (see Compliance).

2. Financial Reporting

Create financial reports in accordance with internal policies for accounting. In addition, disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner to ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and accounting standards.

3. Employees

Develop and encourage shared ethical values and strong internal control culture among all employees.

4. Information

Protect and manage information appropriately, which includes customer information, shareholder information, material facts, and other unique information accessible to the company.

5. Risk Management

Manage risks effectively in accordance with preventative and countermeasures against the occurrence of risk to safeguard assets (see Risk Management ).

6. Antisocial Forces

Refuse relationships with antisocial forces (i.e., people and companies with the intent to do harm or restrict freedoms) to prevent any damages to the company as well as to maintain society’s trust and the integrity of doing business with stakeholders, clients, and employees.

7. IT Security

Establish and maintain relevant rules to categorize information assets based on their importance and include appropriate measures, instructions, and procedures to handle these assets adequately. Work on initiatives to minimize risk related to unexpected situations involving information security, such as an external attack aimed at theft or destruction of corporate information. In addition, ensure information security, information sharing, and information access has a system-wide safeguard and ongoing training procedures for stakeholders, employees, and any third-party entities.

8. Ongoing Monitoring

Continually monitor and assess the effectiveness of the internal control policy, in regards to its function, and make updates and amendments as necessary.

9.Additional Practices

Regularly communicate updates and reminders of policies and procedures to all stakeholders, employees, and third-party entities via email, meetings, and other communication methods. Management is responsible for making sure that all stakeholders, employees, and third-party entities are familiar with Gaman’s policies and any changes in those policies.